Step 3: Use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to adjust the page view so that the bottom of the page is visible.Step 2: Click before the first character of the first word on the page that you want to move.How do I change the page order in Word 2013? If you don’t see Synchronous Scrolling, click Window on the View tab, and then click Synchronous Scrolling. On the View tab, in the Window group, click View Side by Side. Open both of the files that you want to compare. How do I change scrolling side to side in Word? Choose the wrapping option that you want to apply.Select Format and then under Arrange, select Wrap Text.Wrap text around a picture or drawing object How do I wrap text around a selected object in Word? Release the mouse and the page is highlighted. Hold down the left mouse button and drag down to the right to select a whole page. How do you move pages around in Word 2010?

Please (1) click the on the Navigation pane to skip to, (2) type at the beginning of the page, and then (3) click Home > Heading 1.Click the Pages tab on the Navigation Pane.Enable the Navigation Pane by checking Navigation Pane option on the View tab.Move multiple pages’ order/number in Word Make sure the Print Pages in Reverse Order check box is selected or cleared, depending on your desires.Scroll through the options until you see the Print section.Click Advanced at the left side of the dialog box.How do you reverse the order of pages in Word? Select the page thumbnail, then drag it to where you want it. in the toolbar, then choose Page Thumbnails. Note: You can’t rearrange the pages in a word-processing document (because text flows from one page to another), but you can copy and paste content from one page to another. How do I rearrange pages in Word for Mac? Click and drag the cursor to the bottom of the page you want to copy.Place your cursor at the beginning of the page you want to copy.If your Word document has multiple pages, the best way to copy a single page is to manually select and copy the text you want. Enter the page number to which you want to move.On the left side of the dialog box, make sure that you indicate you want to go to a page (this should be the default choice).To take advantage of this feature, follow these steps: The only way to do it is to cut and paste the text and manually rearrange it instead.Using your mouse or trackpad, drag your cursor down to select the text you want to move. Word doesn’t offer an easy, built-in option to easily rearrange pages if you don’t use headings.